• When is the Herald Out?

    The Herald is always usually out in the last week of every month 23-31st except for Easter & Christmas.
  • Is it expensive to advertise in the Herald?

    We are a lot cheaper than advertising in the weekly paid for papers like the Strabane Chronicle and Derry Journal. Our prices are very competitive and we deliver direct into letterboxes which a lot of our advertisers love. Our paper is well known to be the one to advertise in to get a great response.
  • I want to advertise my business but can’t think of what way to go about it?

    We have a great design team here at the Herald, we always have great ideas bouncing around and we have years of experience when it comes to advertising slogans, hooks etc for your adverts. We can advise you if you are  promoting your business wrong. Just call or email us anytime.
  • I have an idea for an advert that involves a bit of tricky design, it’s a bit elaborate can you do it?

    Our paper has a reputation for having the most impressive looking adverts in the industry. We are proud of how good our graphic design is. We love fancy crazy ideas that jump out of the page. Whatever you want our design team can do it. Period!
  • Is your paper printed on standard newsprint?

    No we print 2 grades above on 54g improved, this is a thicker whiter paper and the adverts look tremendous on it too. We believe this is one of the reasons advertisers like yourself use us
  • If i advertise will you give me some free space for editorial?

    No problem at all, give us a call we’ll sort you out.
  • Can I choose where I want my advert to appear?

    You can indeed the earlier in the month the better though. Some of the very early pages are book annually by some of our longest advertisers, so these may not be available. Other good spots to consider are the centre pages and the back page and inside back page, these are popular.
  • I wanted a ‘right hand’ page for my advert but all the early ones are gone? Will my advert not by as effective on the left hand side?

    This, we believe is a bit of a myth. It’s an industry habit that has been there since the first adverts in newspapers, we believe the content in your ad will draw people to it regardless of position.